My letter to 3rd District School Board Representative Gibson in support of Superintendent Kamras

Boardmember Gibson,

I’m a 3rd District resident with two kids in RPS, writing to express my strong support for renewing Jason Kamras’s contract for as long as he’s willing to stay here.

RPS during COVID has been nothing less than superb. Superintendent Kamras’s communication and empathy have brought a level of stability during this crisis that has made it possible for me to keep a modicum of sanity as a parent. His emails are so good, I forward them to friends and family in other parts of our country as examples of how a school system can do things right. I can’t think of the last time I was this proud of one of my public leaders.

RPS is better than it was four years ago and there’s every indication that four more years with Superintendent Kamras will continue that trend. As my representative, I urge you to work towards and vote to pass an extension of Jason Kamras’s contract for at least four more years.


Sam Davies

Sam Davies @mrbeefy