“Maybe: Hillary Clinton”
“Maybe: Hillary Clinton”
My latest contribution to Richmond Family Magazine is out now! Pick up a physical copy if you’re RVA local, or read it online
There’s nothing as satisfying as watching your teenage child try to seem unaffected by your steak pun, but then seeing the slightest hint of a smile pop through, despite their best efforts to suppress it. I don’t go out of my way to embarrass my kids in public (other than being their parent who exists), but I feel it’s my duty to regularly remind them that they are but the next link in a long line of ancestral doofuses.
I like the evening bats in my neighborhood. Go get ‘em little friends!!!
LOL. Autocorrect just turned “bitlocker” into “buttock”.
Tea. Earl Grey. Hot. In my Ben & Patty Show mug (with no logo remaining)
Blueberry Maple Scone.
Quite a day to be a person who helps support computer systems in operating rooms. Ready for a nap. 😴
My dreams will be forever haunted by C-00000291.
I’m shopping in Kroger. A Kroger employee approaches me and asks “Do you shop at Kroger?” I hesitate, wondering how I am being tricked.
Ice breaker at work: “What did you want to be when you grew up?" Truest answer: Swift Heart Rabbit, the Care Bear Cousin.
From last night’s Letters from an American:
About the effect of tonight’s events, former Republican operative Stuart Stevens warned: “Don’t day trade politics. It’s a sucker’s game. A guy from Queens out on bail bragged about overturning Roe v. Wade, said in public he didn’t have sex with a porn star, defended tax cuts for billionaires, defended Jan. 6th. and called America the worst country in the world. That guy isn’t going to win this race.”
It’s probably been a decade since I stopped trying to organize any part of my digital life (files, email, music, photos). The clutter and cruft is overwhelming. It makes me like my computers less.
The easiest fix would be to not care, but that’s quite unlikely. 🙂
I like how it feels after you’ve gotten 2-3 days of better sleep.
I like the Kagi Search Engine. It’s so much better and worth every penny. Stellar recommendation from @rosscatrow.
You know when you turn on a TV in a hotel and are bombarded with ALL THE CRAP you forgot existed? That’s what it feels like when I open up Google after a month of using Kagi.
I like finishing off the tub of greek yogurt with a ridicuolous amount of blueberries.
I’m absurdly happy that there are Newton MessagePads on For All Mankind.
I like cool, late-spring mornings on my patio, drinking earl grey tea. I hear the rustle of squirrels foraging, the morning song of wrens and robins, the gentle background hum of engines propelling humans as highways diverge, and the occasional whistle of a locomotive as it leaves the railyard.
I’ll return to my regularly scheduled posts about things I like in the near future. I like more things than I don’t!
Playing with computers stopped being fun when I could no longer meaningfully “start from scratch” having bound myself to an iCloud account for life. They stopped being fun when success or failure became linked soley to the whims of someone else’s servers.
Computers are bad. All software is bad. DRM is bad. Game Store “software” is REALLY bad. I shouldn’t have to spend this much time and money only to have my kids NOT be able to play Stardew Valley with each other.
Finished reading: The Ferryman by Justin Cronin 📚
Fun book. Felt like the final act wasn’t as tight as the rest of the read, but still worth reading.
Does anyone know how to get a micro.blog hosted site with its own domain name to show text previews in an app like Apple’s Messages? If I link the URL from a micro.blog source I get a preview. If I link the URL from my domain I don’t.
Finished reading: Determined by Robert M. Sapolsky 📚
Feels like every dang day.
Unexpectedly, the teens are all out of the house and I get to go on a spontaneous date with my wife to my favorite beer garden. 😊
Finished reading: Indian Burial Ground by Nick Medina 📚